Crossword dictionary

Crossword dictionary that allows searching for words based on the number of letters, the clues and the location of known letters in the word.
It is possible to find missing words while solving crosswords from other sources. It can also be useful when creating crosswords and when looking for new word to insert into a crossword.

Word's search

Enter available information about the words you want to search for and press the button below.

Presented are the first 500 words that you have found that meet conditions entered.

The Basic Dictionary contains words with descriptions, the Extended Dictionary contains more words but no clues.

Word length (letters)
Word format (? any one character, * multiple characters)
Known part of the clue
Dictionary selection

Examples of use

1Knowing that the word you are looking for has 7 letters and that the second letter is "n" and the sixth "r", please enter "?n???r?" (without quotation marks) in the "Word format" field. When the "Search for words" button is pressed over 40 words will be found. Knowing additionally that it is a creature, you can enter the word "creature" (without quotation marks) in the "Known part of the clue" field and look up the words again.

Further information

Our word's database contains:
- over 90,000 words and clues based on the Wordnet database created by Princeton University (License:
- over 170,000 English words without the clues